Does Flood Insurance Cover My Landscaping?

Floods are common in the Southlake, TX area, and it’s important to know what your insurance covers. If you have questions about whether your flood insurance policy will cover the cost of repairing or replacing your landscaping after a flood, you have come to the right place. Let’s learn about flood insurance and how the Kimble Brown Insurance Agency can help.

What is Covered by Flood Insurance? 

Flood insurance covers damage to structures such as your home, as well as any items that are kept inside the house. This includes furniture, appliances, electronics, clothing, and other personal property. Sometimes, it may also cover detached garages and outdoor sheds. 

Does Flood Insurance Cover My Landscaping? 

Unfortunately, most standard flood insurance policies do not cover damage to landscaping or trees on the property. Trees can be especially vulnerable during floods because the water flow or soil erosion can uproot their roots. Depending on the extent of the damage and how much it costs to repair or replace your landscaping after a flood, this can be a significant expense for homeowners. 

How Can I Protect My Landscaping from Damage During A Flood? 

The best way to protect your landscaping from flooding is to take precautions before an event. This includes planting trees away from waterways where possible and ensuring drainage systems function correctly so that water does not accumulate near your home or trees. If you live in an area with frequent flooding, consider investing in protective measures such as earthen berms around trees and shrubs or planting them in elevated containers filled with a soil mix that won’t erode easily when exposed to water runoff.

If you have questions about whether flood insurance covers landscaping damages in Southlake, TX, or want to learn more about protecting your property during floods, contact Kimble Brown Insurance Agency.

When is it a good idea to get recreational insurance in Texas?

Anyone living in the Southlake, TX area will know that owning a recreational vehicle can be great fun. With many parks and trails in the area, you can have a lot of fun and stay active with an RV. It is also important to stay protected with insurance. There are various situations when getting coverage is a good idea. 

When Looking to Cover Assets

A situation when you want to have a recreational insurance plan is when you are looking to cover your asset. Recreational insurance is valuable as it will sometimes give coverage to replace or repair your asset. This will be helpful if the recreational asset is stolen, involved in an accident, or damaged in another way. If the asset secures any type of loan, the lender will also want you to carry this insurance. 

When Trying to Mitigate Liability

It would also be a good idea to have recreational insurance to try and mitigate your liability risks. Anyone that is going to operate one of these assets will run the risk that they cause an accident. If this happens, you will have to cover the damages you created during the collision. Your insurance policy will provide support for these costs. 

Recreational insurance is an excellent investment for anyone in the Southlake, TX area. When you invest in this type of insurance, calling the Kimble Brown Insurance Agency team can help. If you want to secure and insure these assets properly, Kimble Brown Insurance Agency will offer the guidance you need to choose a plan that will meet your needs. 

Be sure to double check your flood insurance needs before building your new home

Kimble Brown Insurance Agency proudly serves the greater Southlake, TX area. If you have questions about flood insurance, we are happy to help you understand its necessity in certain areas of our region. Our team is here to help with all of your insurance needs!

Are you building a new home? Be sure to double-check if flood insurance is necessary.

Building a new home is an exciting project and one that comes with many decisions. When you live in a flood zone, or it’s a requirement of your lender, the decision to get flood insurance is a simple one. Many different areas in our region are prone to flooding even though they aren’t located within a flood zone. 

Before you build your new home, it’s worth the time spent looking into the area’s flood history. Knowing the frequency of flooding at your new homesite can help you decide whether or not you need flood insurance. The right insurance can make your new home even more comfortable!

It’s also important to check your new homeowner’s policy to see what coverage it provides. Many home policies don’t include protection from flood damage, making a flood insurance policy necessary. Please don’t wait until it’s too late to discover that your newly built home isn’t protected.

Protecting your home and belongings from flood damage is possible with a flood policy in addition to your homeowner’s insurance. 

Contact our office today

If you plan on building a new home in Southlake, TX, or the surrounding area, you can count on the folks at Kimble Brown Insurance Agency. Give us a call today, or come by our office!

Three things you should do before you purchase a recreational insurance policy

If you own a recreational vehicle such as a boat, snowmobile, or motorhome, you must ensure that you’ve adequately insured it.

Recreational insurance can protect you financially as the owner of a recreational vehicle. However, there are numerous things you should do before selecting a policy to make sure you have the coverage you need. 

Determine the value of your recreational vehicle

It’s essential to have an accurate idea of how much your recreational vehicle is worth in total. Knowing the value of your recreational vehicle helps you determine how much collision coverage to carry on your policy. 

You should have enough collision coverage to cover the full value of your vehicle so you don’t risk the loss of your car in the event of an accident.  

Research your options

Collision coverage to cover the value of your recreational vehicle is not the only type of coverage you need. You also should have medical payment coverage, liability coverage, and more. 

Make sure that you’re aware of what recreational insurance should cover. You should also research the companies offering recreational insurance in your area and determine the best coverage options available.

Get quotes from numerous recreational insurance providers

To evaluate your coverage options, you should get quotes on recreational vehicle policies. Insurance providers in your area should offer free quotes. You can compare the value offered from the different policy quotes you get to choose the best insurance company for your situation and budget. 

We offer insurance coverage to recreational vehicle owners in Southlake, TX at Kimble Brown Insurance Agency. Get in touch with Kimble Brown Insurance Agency to learn more about our policy offerings and to get the coverage you need for your recreational vehicle in Southlake, TX.

What is Covered Under Landlord Insurance?

A standard property insurance policy may not cover damages or liability if you rent a home. We offer landlord insurance at Kimble Brown Insurance Agency in Southlake, TX. 

What is Landlord Insurance? 

Landlord insurance protects you and your property when you rent a home. Landlord coverage typically consists of liability protection and property coverage. 

Liability Protection 

Liability protection will cover you if someone is injured on your rental property. In some cases, the renter may be responsible for any liability. However, if it’s determined that you are responsible for the accident, you are liable for any damages. Liability protection will prevent you from paying these expenses out of pocket up to the coverage limit. 

Property Protection 

Property protection covers the property you are renting. Dwelling coverage covers the home itself. If a covered event damages the house, including fire, wind, or hail, the damages will be covered under the policy. 

Other structure coverage includes any other buildings or structures on the property. This includes sheds and garages. 

Additionally, property protection coverage protects any property you use to service the rental. This includes lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and any other equipment you use for maintenance. 

Extra Coverage 

Some landlord policies include extra coverage. Vandalism coverage will cover any intentional damage to your property. This isn’t typically covered under a standard policy. 

If you are currently renovating the property or building a new home, you may consider rental property under construction coverage. It will provide extra coverage for damages that occur during construction. 

Lastly, you should consider building code coverage, particularly for older homes. If the building codes have changed since it was constructed, you are liable for bringing the building up to code. Building code coverage can cover these expenses. 

Landlord Insurance at Kimble Brown Insurance Agency

If you need landlord insurance in Southlake, TX, contact us at Kimble Brown Insurance Agency. We’ll help you find the right policy to protect your investment. 

Will flood insurance cover damage to anything in my condo?

As a condo owner, you want to know that your unit and personal belongings are protected in the event of some unfortunate incident. If you live in a flood zone, you have probably purchased flood insurance. Both condo and flood insurance provide protection for condo owners. However, in a flood, it’s still good to know what’s covered. Our team at Kimble Brown Insurance Agency is committed to helping Texas condo owners understand how flood insurance works and what’s covered. 

What is Flood Insurance?

A flood is defined as a build-up of water on land, usually dry. The main purpose of flood insurance is to cover/insure damage to your home or condo unit, car, and personal belongings if a flood damages them. Flood insurance would need to be purchased separately from condo insurance and cover flood damage to your unit. Flood insurance covers any losses caused as a direct result of flooding. 

What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

If a flood damages your condo, your flood insurance will pay to repair or fix the damage and replace damaged or destroyed items. The replacement cost is usually the actual cost of the damaged item or the actual cash value, whichever is less/lower. Specifically, flood insurance provides building coverage and contents coverage. This includes your walls, foundations, fixtures, cabinets, wallboards, and paneling. Flood insurance will also cover repairing and replacing your electrical and plumbing system, furnaces and water heaters, solar equipment, and well/fuel tanks. Your flood insurance policy will also cover your:

  • Garage
  • Refrigerators
  • Stoves
  • Dishwashers
  • Personal belongings
  • Furniture
  • Carpeting
  • Clothing
  • Artwork and Valuables (limitations may apply)

Your flood insurance may also include trash and debris removal. If you have any questions regarding what’s covered under a flood insurance policy, please call us.

Why should you get recreational insurance in Texas?

When you live in the Southlake, TX area, you will find there are a lot of great recreational activities that you can enjoy and participate in. When you are looking to maximize your experience in this area, having your recreational vehicle or toy can be a great option. No matter what type of recreational asset you purchase, you will want to get the right insurance. There are various reasons for someone to get this coverage here. 

Cover the Asset and Investment

An important reason for anyone to invest in recreational insurance for their asset is to ensure it is covered. There will always be a big investment made when you purchase a recreational asset and having the right coverage for it is crucial. When you get a proper recreational insurance plan, it will ensure you can be covered if it is stolen or damaged. 

Reduce Liability Risk

While a recreational toy can be a lot of fun to drive, it does come with liability risks. If you make a mistake and cause an accident that results in damages, you will have to cover them and pay restitution. Fortunately, you are able to mitigate this risk by getting a recreational plan as it will provide coverage that is specifically designed to reduce your liability risks. 

As you are looking to get a recreational asset in the Southlake, TX area, it will be very important that you speak with someone that you can trust and that understands recreational insurance. Starting your search with the Kimble Brown Insurance Agency is a great option. When you are looking for coverage, the professionals with the Kimble Brown Insurance Agency can provide any guidance you need to choose a plan that will properly protect your recreational asset.

Does Flood Insurance Cover Personal Property?

In the state of Texas, most flood insurance policies are issued by the National Flood Insurance Program. Yet, it is still sold via traditional insurance providers. The experienced agents at Kimble Brown Insurance Agency of Southlake, TX are familiar with NFIP coverage and are happy to help with any questions you may have.

Building Property Flood Insurance vs. Personal Property Flood Insurance

Personal property flood insurance and building property flood insurance must be purchased separately, so it is vital to understand the coverage you have to know that you are fully protected. In general, a building property flood insurance policy will cover the structure, as well as any appliances or permanent equipment attached to that structure. You will need a personal property flood insurance policy to cover any items that are not attached permanently to the structure.

It is important to note that some items may not be covered by building property or personal property flood insurance. This typically includes items that are outside of the building or issues that arise as a consequence of the flooding. It is critical that you know exactly what type of flood insurance coverage you have to determine what is and is not covered.

Making the decision to purchase flood insurance as well as the type of flood insurance to purchase can be stressful. At Kimble Brown Insurance Agency of Southlake, TX, we are here to help relieve that stress.

We will take the time to work with you to make certain that you understand all of the coverage options that are available to you. Then we will help you decide on the best type of coverage to meet your specific needs. You will be able to rest easy knowing that should disaster strike, you and your family will be taken care of and protected with proper coverage.

Texas Recreational Insurance – Does Recreational Insurance Cover Personal Injury?

Texas is one of the biggest states in the nation with wide-open spaces and warm weather nearly year-round.  It’s no surprise that Texas is a notable state for recreational vehicle use or RV use.  Much like regular auto insurance, RV insurance covers your RV in the case of an accident or other events that could happen during the life of your RV.  We will cover some of these events further down below.  Kimble Brown Insurance Agency in Southlake, TX offers RV insurance and other types of insurance needs.

RV Insurance

RV Insurance is quite similar to auto insurance in terms of policies offered and coverage limits, except that the coverage limits for RV’s are much greater than automobiles due to the size of RV vehicles.  RVs take up the space of two or sometimes three regular automobiles, so the chances for greater damage in the event of an accident are far greater than just a regular automobile, hence…the higher coverage limits in the policy.

Personal Injury

What if someone gets injured or suffers property damage in an accident that you’ve caused with your recreational vehicle?  The personal liability coverage of the RV insurance policy is a standard coverage offered in practically all RV insurance policies.  This is due to the fact that in most states, personal liability/damage coverage is a required facet of RV insurance and for your RV to operate legally on the road, you must have this coverage.  Personal Liability coverage handles accidents or damage that your RV causes to others and covers their injuries and property damage in these events.  

More Information

You can learn more about recreational insurance coverage by contacting Kimble Brown Insurance Agency in Southlake, TX today!

Why Is Flood Insurance Important in Texas?

If you live in Texas, you could be miles upon miles from the nearest body of water. If you don’t live near a body of water, you might even wonder if there is a need to purchase flood insurance.

In spite of your own feelings about flood insurance, your mortgage provider may require that you have a policy. Kimble Brown Insurance Agency, which serves homeowners in Southlake, TX, can shed light on the importance of flood insurance.

You Are Always at Risk of a Flood

Simply because you do not live in a high-risk flood zone does not mean that you face no risk. Even those who live in low-risk flood zones could lose everything in a flood. Natural disasters, including hurricanes and dam breaks, can impact anybody. Flash floods, heavy rain, and other disasters can all leave you with serious water damage.

Your Home Is Not Covered Without a Flood Policy

Simply because you have renters or homeowners insurance does not mean you are protected in case of a flood. If a flood does hit, you could face financial damages because your homeowners or renters insurance does not cover your expenses.

Get Your Flood Insurance Policy

Do you still have questions about your flood policy? It’s normal to be unsure about what to expect. Check out coverage for your home systems, carpeting, appliances, personal property, foundation, support, garage, and other features of your home.

Are you ready to check out flood insurance policy options? Kimble Brown Insurance Agency may be able to help you if you live in Southlake, TX. Consult with a professional to learn more about insurance in your region.